Fil 39cm 95pc Env - Perles De Pierre - Cornaline Naturelle Boules Facettées 4mm

Fil 39cm 95pc Env - Perles De Pierre - Cornaline Naturelle Boules Facettées 4mm

Wire 39cm-stone beads Natural Cornaline Natural semi precious stone Color white, yellow, orange, red, transparent Shape Balls, faceted rounds Size about 4mm D... more
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Pearl Healing Properties

Natural pearls are unique gems in that they are created biologically by a sea mollusk adding successive layers of material consisting of shell, aragonite, and calcite. As such they do not have the natural crystalline structure of most crystals that are used for healing. However, they do carry the energy of their component minerals, as well as the nurturing medicine of the sea. Learn More About Pearl.

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