Healing Properties of Onyx
Onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. It can help you rebuild your vitality after a prolonged illness or period of depletion, and is useful for work that requires disciplined focus and perseverance.
Onyx is good for grounding and focusing your attention, and for working through difficult emotional and physical problems. As a self-care aid, it can help you take charge of your own health, wellness and overall well-being.
Onyx as a Gemstone
Onyx is a form of quartz that can come in almost any color. The pure black form is the most famous, especially for beads. Outside of beading, the most common form has the appearance of parallel lines running through the stone in alternating bands. Sardonyx is a banded variety of onyx with shades of red and brown. Much of what is sold as onyx is actually agate that has been stained.
Color: Brown Gemstones
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