Picture Jasper Meaning

Healing Properties of Picture Jasper

Picture jasper is a like a window into the Earth. It facilitates inner journeying to specific places or times in the past, and connecting to sacred sites. It is a good stone to use in ceremonies working with Earth energy, especially when you are working with dreams or visioning.

Picture jasper is connected to both the first chakra (root) and sixth chakra (third eye). This means it’s a grounding stone, but also one that can stimulate visions, generally related to the Earth’s history.

It is the perfect stone to use if you are doing a ritual or magick ceremony with the Earth element, or connecting to the ley lines or sacred sites of the Earth.

In restoring our connection to the Earth, picture jasper helps heal the wounds of disconnection and alienation that are common in modern life. If you find yourself struggling with feeling like you maybe you don’t belong on this planet, wearing picture jasper regularly can help you re-establish your birthright of belonging.

Picture Jasper as a Gemstone

Picture jasper is a type of jasper that forms from mud that drips into gas pockets in molten lava. The resulting pattern resembles a picture or landscape.

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Disclaimer: Picture Jasper Properties, Picture Jasper Meaning, and Picture Jasper Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

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