Pink Tourmaline Meaning

Healing Properties of Pink Tourmaline

Top Three Benefits of Pink Tourmaline Stones

  1. Helps you recover from emotional wounds & negative patterns
  2. Gives you confidence and willingness to love again
  3. Clears emotional stress and brings calm

Pink tourmaline is a stone of love and healing. It is nurturing and can help gently heal old emotional wounds, especially those dating from childhood. It ultimately helps prepare the heart to love from a place of wholeness rather than woundedness.

If you are looking for a stone that is calming and soothing but also helps you heal your heart, pink tourmaline is an excellent choice. It has a gentle and peaceful energy that alleviates stress and balances the emotions.

Pink tourmaline encourages kindness and is a great stone to wear if you work in a stressful environment where you encounter upset people. It can help you stay calm, and also radiate loving energy that affects the energy around you.

Pink Tourmaline as a Gemstone

Tourmaline is a silicate mineral that comes in several colors such as pink, green, black, red, and blue. It’s hardness is a 7 on the Mohs scale, and is fairly rare in most colors. Black tourmaline is the most abundant color. It grows in columnar formations which give it a striped or striated appearance.

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Disclaimer: Pink Tourmaline Properties, Pink Tourmaline Meaning, and Pink Tourmaline Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

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