Herkimer Diamond Meaning

Top Three Benefits of Herkimer Diamonds

  1. Enhancing dreams, mediation, & visioning abilities
  2. Strengthening the power of other stones
  3. Using in crystal grids to increase power & purify energy

Herkimer Diamond Healing Properties

Herkimer Diamonds are a special kind of quartz. Their shape makes them ideal for crystal grids, body layouts, and for use in meditation. They are especially useful in creating healing crystal grids to surround you during meditation or crystal therapy, channeling Light and purifying the energy of the room.

Herkimer Diamonds increase psychic abilities and make one more sensitive to spiritual energy by stimulating the third-eye and crown chakras. They boost dreams, visions, and “inner sight”.

Like all quartz, Herkimer Diamonds can enhance and magnify the effect of other stones. If you are working with a stone that is less intense, or if you have a smaller specimen than you would like using it alongside a Herkimer can help increase its power.

To use Herkimer Diamonds to enhance your dreams, put one under your pillow or wear it as a necklace. Set your intention before falling asleep to have the dreams most helpful to you at this time, and to remember them and integrate their lessons easily.

Herkimer Diamond As a Gemstone

Herkimer Diamonds are somewhat of a misnomer, as they are actually a form of quartz in a diamond shape (i.e. double-terminated). They are found near Herkimer County, NY.

Some Herkimer Diamonds are smoky, but most are clear. While there are similarly-shaped quartz crystals found elsewhere, the ones near Herkimer are known for being especially hard and glossy.

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Disclaimer: Herkimer Diamond Properties, Herkimer Diamond Meaning, and Herkimer Diamond Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

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