Watermelon Tourmaline Meaning

Top Three Benefits of Watermelon Tourmaline Crystals

  1. Helps you to feel deep joy and serenity
  2. Calms anger and relieves stress
  3. Supports your return to heart-centered awareness

Watermelon Tourmaline Healing Properties

Pink and green are the two colors of crystals that relate to the heart chakra. As Watermelon Tourmaline contains both, it is a great stone to work with for any issues relating to the heart and your emotional self.

Our modern world encourages using the logical, rational brain to approach every situation. This can be beneficial if you are doing your taxes, but if you are having a conversation with a loved one or simply tuning in to your own sweet self, it is important to drop into an awareness that is located in your heart.

Heart-centered awareness is intuitive, slow, allowing, affirming, gentle, welcoming, and comfortable with vulnerability. When you approach the world from this place, you are no longer in battle or competition with people you disagree with. You can sit with disappointment without needing to rush to fix everything. You can let the grief of the world touch you and make space for it in your heart. Allowing what is to be, while being a compassionate witness, also lets you be a wide open conduit for joy.

Watermelon Tourmaline’s message is: surrender the fight, but not with a sense of defeat but rather of deep reverence for life in all its diverse incarnations. Let yourself feel your heart connection to other people–it is always there, just waiting for you to drop in and feel it.

Watermelon Tourmaline as a Gemstone

Watermelon tourmaline is named for its coloring–some pieces have a pink center surrounded by green, like a watermelon, while others just have pink and green together in the same stone. They are a combination of pink tourmaline and green tourmaline, and are found wherever both are present.

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Disclaimer: Watermelon Tourmaline Properties, Watermelon Tourmaline Meaning, and Watermelon Tourmaline Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

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