Tourmalinated Quartz Meaning

Tourmalinated quartz is clear quartz with streaks of black tourmaline within it. This creates a crystal with the properties of both stones in one package.

Quartz is a natural amplifier and black tourmaline is excellent for cleansing your aura and protecting you from negative energy. Together, that cleansing is amplified.

Tourmalinated quartz is also a combination of root chakra and crown chakra crystals, which makes it excellent for balancing out all the chakras of the human body. It is a great stone for overall purification and balance of the energy system.

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Disclaimer: Tourmalinated Quartz Properties, Tourmalinated Quartz Meaning, and Tourmalinated Quartz Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

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