Diopside Meaning

Healing Properties of Diopside

Diopside helps you feel your connection to Planet Earth and align your personal energy field with the energy field of the Earth. This helps you feel a balanced sense of relaxation and peace, as the stressors and stuck energy in your aura dissipates into the larger field of the planet. If you have a strong connection to nature, or want a stronger one, Diopside can facilitate a deep grounding in and abiding connection to the Gaia consciousness of the Earth.

Being so connected to nature and the planet, Diopside helps us see clearly the impact we have on the planet, and strengthen our commitment to environmental responsibility.

Diopside as a Gemstone

Diopside is a pyroxene silicate mineral with a monoclinic crystal structure. It is a medium-hard stone, sitting at around 5-6 on the Mohs scale.

Green is the most common type of gemstone-quality Diopside, often called Chrome Diopside due to chrome being the reason it is bright green. The second most common color is dark grey or black, which is sometimes cut to show a cat-eye or star effect and called Black Star Diopside.

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Disclaimer: Diopside Properties, Diopside Meaning, and Diopside Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

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