Morganite Meaning

Healing Properties of Morganite

Morganite is a heart chakra stone and carries the energy of Divine love and compassion. It is an excellent stone to work with emotional trauma. It helps you come to terms with past pain and see the meaning and purpose of it in the larger path of your life. This helps you to release the heartache and learn the lessons it was meant to show you. If you are ready to transform pain and trauma into wisdom and compassion, this is your stone.

Another of morganite’s properties is to be emotionally nourishing and healing to wear as you work through grief, especially if that grief is causing you to question your faith or have a hard time hearing Divine guidance or feeling Divine love. It brings a lightness and sense of your burden being lifted as it helps you let go of hurt and anger and trust in the larger patterns of life.

But it’s not all about heartbreak and grief. 🙂 Morganite brings a sense of peace, lightness, and joy for everyone, and a constant and abiding sense of the presence of Divine love permeating everything. I believe this is one reason morganite engagement rings have become so popular. They are beautiful, but they also carry morganite’s properties of light and joy, and a gentle but powerful message of love and compassion.

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Morganite as a Gemstone

About the Stone

Morganite is pink beryl. This makes it related to emerald (green beryl) and aquamarine (blue beryl). The pink color of morganite is from manganese. It was named after J.P. Morgan. It is found in Madagascar, the United States, as well as Brazil and Africa.

Morganite in Jewelry

High-grade translucent morganite is often faceted for fine jewelry, but you can also find rough specimens and lower-grade opaque semi-precious beads. The delicate peach color is often sought after for engagement and wedding rings.

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Disclaimer: Morganite Properties, Morganite Meaning, and Morganite Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

One Comment

  1. Avatar linda shelton

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    Thank you!

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