Tiger Eye Sphere, Tiger’s Eye Sphere, Tigers Eye, Tiger Eye Crystal, Crystal Ball, Tiger's Eye, Crystal Orb, Cat Eye Crystal

Tiger Eye Sphere, Tiger’s Eye Sphere, Tigers Eye, Tiger Eye Crystal, Crystal Ball, Tiger's Eye, Crystal Orb, Cat Eye Crystal

TIGER EYE SPHERE Weight : 1.3 oz / 37 grams Diameter : 1.18” / 30 mm Color(s): Golden, Red/Brown Common Source: South Africa, Namibia, USA, Canada, Aust... more
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Tiger Eye Healing Properties

Tiger eye helps you stay centered and calmly practical despite the ups and downs of life. It helps you balance polarities and accept contradictions, taking life as it comes and responding to the needs of the moment without judgment. It is a helpful stone for protracted difficult situations, as it lends endurance and keeps you in the best state of mind to deal with problems as they come without getting overwhelmed, hopeless, or reactionary. Learn More About Tiger Eye.
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