Leopardskin Jasper Tumbled Stone, Leopardskin Jasper, Tumbled Stones, Crystals, Stones, Gifts, Rocks, Gems, Gemstones, Zodiac Crystals

Leopardskin Jasper Tumbled Stone, Leopardskin Jasper, Tumbled Stones, Crystals, Stones, Gifts, Rocks, Gems, Gemstones, Zodiac Crystals

This is one large leopardskin jasper stone. I have found holding a piece in each hand during meditation to provide a very grounded feeling. It has also provided... more
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Jasper Healing Properties

There are several dozen types of jasper which each have unique properties, but in general jaspers all share the property of connecting the wearer with Earth energy and have a grounding and stabilizing effect. Learn More About Jasper.
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