Michael Prince
I have been involved in handcrafted products of various kinds most of my life, and I really have a creative side developed in me, to take materials and make crafted things out of them. I did a lot of wood work from dressers to rocking horses and my Woddstock business of interior mirror planters that looked like two story houses. I worked in metal craft from rod iron to beautiful steel oak trees and furniture and window coverings. I made my own fishing fly ties and lures. Tried lead glass and bottle projects. Oil, air and water painted. Sculptured rocks and made pottery. Built wood & stone patio and decks and even a few houses and added in the decorations to make them one of a kind. I turned wrenches and made a T-Bucket that did some mean wheelies. I have wrote, played guitar and sung my own songs in a whole lot of bars and on TV. I have come up with some great inventions of various kinds and recipes for cooking. I have wrote a few book manuscripts and even managed to get a BA pyschology along the way. Oh I spent 25 years in steel construction making great big stuff that dots the landscape in California.