
I've been beading since I got back to school. (I was very sick for a long time.) Having missed years 7 & 8, I found a beading class to be a nice easy way to get back into the flow of school, and I've been doing it ever since! My skills keep improving. I now walk into a beading shop, see jewellery selling for 50 dollars, and think "I can make that!" I mostly like doing wire work because I love how it looks and bending the wire.

Silver Spirals Necklace Project

Silver Spirals Necklace

This necklace set was made with some beads my grandmother gave me. I found that bead wrapping was a great way to improve a necklace. Once I added chain to it, I had two small lengths that I would not be able to use so I decided to experiment with their position on the necklace. […]