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Bloodstone Tools

Bloodstone is a Birthstone for MarchList of Birthstones

About Bloodstone  Bloodstone assists us in facing the hard realities and challenges of Earthly life with courage and nobility. It does this by strengthening the root chakra, purifying the aura, and grounding one fully in the physical body. By bringing the subtle body into balance, it bolsters our inner vitality and gives us the heart to make necessary sacrifices, look at painful truths, or endure physical trials. Visit Bloodstone Meaning & Properties for more about the benefits of bloodstone.

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Thank you for shopping for Bloodstone Tools! Bloodstone healing properties include: confidence, grounding, physical health, purification. We have scoured Etsy to find the best genuine bloodstone tools. We look for handcrafted & handmade, unique, OOAK, & high quality natural gemstones.