Moldavite Meaning

Healing Properties of Moldavite

Moldavite is quite popular in metaphysical and healing crystal circles and is well-known as a stone of transformation, spiritual awakening, and an accelerant of personal evolution.

As a green stone it is most active with the heart chakra, but the power of this stone can act on and open all chakras and enhance any spiritual pursuit.

Moldavite is a catalyst for powerful transformation

While some stones like rose quartz are soothing and nurturing, moldavite is specifically for powerfully changing your life and pushing you forward on your highest path to spiritual growth. This can definitely lead to healing, but it’s not the stone to use if you need something gentle or to help you feel stable and calm–or at least not by itself (see combinations below).

It is best to use moldavite when you are in a good place and looking for something to open up your consciousness, break through any self-imposed limitations, and help you see what you have been unable to see in yourself and in the world of Spirit. It can be a life-changing crystal, so be ready to let go of anything that is holding you back!

Be prepared to face your shadow self, become conscious of your unconscious motivations and beliefs, and see through any lies you have been telling yourself. Moldavite brings the clear light of awareness into the darkest recesses of your mind, and floods them with light and love so they can be cleared and the energy reclaimed for you to use for your highest good.

If you are stuck in your growth process and can’t figure out what to do next to move forward, moldavite is the perfect crystal ally for you.

Expect spiritual experiences!

The word “spiritual experience” means different things to everyone, but in general people are looking for an expanded awareness of All-That-Is. Moldavite can open your psychic channels and take you on a cosmic journey that opens your eyes to what is truly available to you on other planes of existence.

Moldavite can enhance any attempts to communicate with the “other side”, whether it is getting in touch with your spirit guides or deceased relatives. It is therefore a favorite of psychics and mediums, as well as people doing dreamwork.

How to working with moldavite for the first time

Moldavite is a high intensity stone and has been known to affect people quite strongly. Because it carries such a powerful crystal energy, it is wise to introduce it into your routine slowly over time, rather than immediately wearing it everywhere.

The pieces you can buy are usually quite small (or quite expensive!), but a little goes a long way. Use it in meditation by placing it on your third eye chakra (center of the forehead) to enhance dreamwork or visioning and propel you on your spiritual growth journey.

If you want to work with your dreams, tape or position moldavite on your forehead before going to sleep. People report vivid, spiritual dreams even if they don’t normally even remember their dreams.

Combining moldavite with other crystals

Moldavite stones can be used with other stones to enhance their powers and healing properties or focus on specific uses.

  • Amber to bring more positive energy to your transformational work.
  • Amethyst for spiritual protection and to resonate at a higher frequency.
  • Apache Tears to work through grief you have been unable to work through.
  • Aquamarine to soothe the intensity of Moldavite and make transformations more smooth and graceful.
  • Aventurine to bring equanimity and a positive attitude to your spiritual growth work.
  • Bloodstone to bring yourself into alignment with your highest path.
  • Honey Calcite to get clarity on your right livelihood or work that nourishes your soul.
  • Pink Calcite to enhance it’s healing effects on the heart and well-being.
  • Carnelian to activate the physical body, creativity and life-force energy.
  • Charoite to help you release negative patterns and open more to life.
  • Chrysoprase to tune into the natural flow and Divine timing of your life.
  • Emerald to open the heart to Divine grace.
  • Hematite to stay grounded in your cosmic explorations.
  • Herkimer Diamond to enhance dreaming and mindfulness.
  • Jet to absorb any negative energy while you release what is blocking you.
  • Lapis Lazuli to enhance mystical awareness.
  • Larimar to soften the intensity and smooth your journey.
  • Mahogany Obsidian to help release patterns and limitations from the past.
  • Golden Obsidian to enhance manifestation.
  • Pietersite for even more rapid transformation and awakening.
  • Rhodochrosite to help in soul retrieval and integration.
  • Rose Quartz to utilize the power of love to transform one’s life.
  • Serpentine to help activate kundalini energy.
  • Smoky Quartz to help transform your physical experience on Earth.
  • Sodalite to enhance intuiton.
  • Sunstone to boost your ability to accomplish your life’s work.

What is Moldavite as a mineral?

Moldavite is a kind of tektite. A tektite is a chunk of natural glass formed from the debris of a meteorite impact. The intense impact melts and scatters matter which then cools while still in the air and lands in a wide distribution around the impact crater. Moldavite is found near a specific crater within the Czech Republic from a giant meteorite that landed around 15 million years ago. It was named after the river Moldau which is nearby. Dr. Josef Mayer first described moldavite in 1786, but it has been used since the stone age in tools like arrowheads and cutting implements.

Moldavite is dark mossy green color and has a distinctive wrinkly texture. Its physical characteristics are similar to other types of glass, like obsidian. High-grade moldavite is more translucent and the surface has a fern-like pattern.

It is not known if moldavite consists only of earth matter or if it incorporates matter from the meteorite. Either way, it is a rare and special gemstone. Pieces of moldavite have been used in sacred jewelry throughout history, and some theorize that the Holy Grail was actually moldavite.

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Disclaimer: Moldavite Properties, Moldavite Meaning, and Moldavite Uses listed here are not a substitute for medical care. If you have a physical or mental illness, please see a doctor or mental health professional.

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