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Any part of a piece of jewelry that hangs free and can move with the wearer. Dangles add motion to a piece.

Delica beads

Delica beads

A variety of seed bead that is small and perfectly cylindrical, so they easily snap into place in peyote stitch and brick stitch beadweaving. They also have large wholes for their size, making it easier to pass multiple strands of thread through each bead. Delica is actually a brand name, made by Miyuki–the generic term is “cylinder bead”.

Dichroic Glass

Dichroic Glass

Glass that has a distinctive and intensely colorful metallic appearance which changes as the piece is viewed at different angles. Sheets of dichroic glass can be purchased and worked using fused glass techniques.



An object originating with the Ojibwe people (American Indian) and now seen as a general “Native American” object. Made of leather strips and beads, the dream catcher is a circular web that is hung above someone’s bed to ward off, or “catch” bad dreams. The technique has been adapted and incorporated into jewelry. photo credit



Druzy (also called druse, drusy) is a layer of tiny quartz crystals that sometimes form on gemstones, giving them a striking sparkly appearance. Gemstones with this effect are often made into pendants and are sometimes coated with thin layers of metal to enhance the effect.