Beading Glossary: Letter P
Paraiba is a type of tourmaline of a particular turquoise-blue color, originally found in Paraiba, Brazil. Since it was discovered, tourmaline of a similar color has been found elsewhere and also called Paraiba tourmaline. Since it is rare, Paraiba tourmaline is expensive. Soon, people began selling other blue stone of a similar color as “paraiba apatite” or “paraiba topaz”. This is creative marketing and has nothing to do with the original deposit of tourmaline found in Brazil.
Refers specifically to oxidation or corrosion on metal surfaces like copper, but also generally to a sheen on any surface that makes it look old and used (the “antique” look). You can create patinas on metal jewelry with chemical solutions and corrosive materials like ammonia or vinegar. Be sure to understand the safety concerns before trying this, both in terms of ventilation and not damaging your jewelry. photo credit
A large hanging object that forms the centerpiece of a necklace.
Peyote Stitch
A basic beadweaving technique used to make jewelry or decorative objects. Using a beading needle and thread, beads are woven together is a zig-zag fashion.
Pillow Bead
A rectangular bead with rounded edges.
A heavy, malleable, corrosion resistant, grey-white precious metal. Platinum is more precious than gold. Though platinum beads can be purchased through specialty dealers, platinum is rarely used in typical beading applications and is found mostly in fine jewelry. For example, the frame of the Crown of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, is made of platinum. But like all metal names, it is sometimes used in color descriptions rather than literally. photo credit
A beadweaving acronym meaning Pass Needle Back Through.
A beadweaving acronym meaning Pass Needle Through.
Polymer Clay
A sculpting material which can be formed into shapes and then baked to harden. Polymer clay is available in most craft stores in a wide range of colors, and can be used to make beads and pendants.
Pony Beads
Larger than most seed beads and smaller than crow beads, also available in a large range of colors and finishes. Equivalent to size 8/0 or 6/0 seed beads, also called E-beads.
photo creditPorcelain
A ceramic material made from firing clay at very high temperatures (~1300 Celcius) so the silicate present in clay turns to glass, giving porcelain its characteristic strength and translucence.
photo creditPrayer Box
A small metal compartment or box worn around the neck as a pendant. Also called a “wish box”. Similar to a locket, but made to hold a piece of paper securely rather than to show a photo. Prayer boxes usually open either through a latch or through unscrewing the top.